How Neutralizing our Father Program can Grow the World’s Love and Equality

We all have a father program residing in our mind cloud. That program affects how we engage with ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us. It deeply affects the degree to which we attract separation or togetherness.

How? Through resonance. Our father program comes to us through the resonance of our dad; whoever replaced him; or, for far too many of us, the lack of a father figure due to a father’s physical or emotional absence.

And it’s part of a collective father...

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Embracing Our Human Beingness by Neutralizing Our Mother Program


Do you make lists? Do you wake up daily to tackle the ever-growing list and go to bed unsatisfied when you haven’t crossed off every item?

If you’re run by a human doing program, this is very likely related to your mother program. Like you, your mother probably knew no other way but to do, do, do. This program was uploaded to your mind program from the moment of conception and reinforced by societal and cultural definitions of success as doing ever more.

For many mothers...

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How Mothers’ Resonance Shapes Us as Women and Men

“Mother’s love is peace.”

— Erich Fromm

We each enter this world through the portal of our mother. Her body nurtured us, and her mind cloud intertwined with our own—uploading her inner data as ours, before we even left the womb. So, it’s no wonder who we are as women and as men has much to do with the mother program in our mind cloud.

Our mother’s program shapes what it means to us to be women and men; how we identify with those roles; and how we...

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New Motherhood for a New World

As we continue our lives through this new decade, it’s important that we take notice of the massive technological advancements the world has seen over the last 10 years. Tablets, androids, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, electric cars, and quantum supremacy have become part of our daily lives. The world is changing rapidly right in front of our eyes. And something else is changing in full view too—motherhood, the state of experience, and raising a child.

It’s been...

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Planting the First Seed: Unification within Our Families

"All problems come from the family."

— Alejandro Jodorowsky


We’re living in times where separation has become an epidemic. Believe it or not, it all started with our families.


Not so much, once we realize that our family came first and taught us everything we know about how to perceive and interact with the world around us. For most, family (or those who replaced them) is the single most important influence in our life. And how can it not be? After all, through...

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Evolving from Separation to Togetherness: Transcending Our Family Programs

The view that the universe is deeply interconnected has been held since ancient times. Today, science proves what ancients knew long ago—that we live in an interconnected universe in which all interconnected parts affect the whole and vice versa. However, most of us either don’t know or don’t seem to be aware of this, perhaps because we can’t perceive it.

We believe everything is separate. And this has to do mainly with the perception we have integrated from our family...

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Uninstalling the Unfairness Program to Resonate with Justice

Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.

— Cornel West 


It seems like the world we live in isn't a safe place for everyone. Maybe you were misjudged or treated inequitably due to learned prejudice and the unconscious bias of others. Or perhaps you weren't aware you were the one inflicting injustice due to the injustice program you are resonating with and unconsciously repeating from those you grew up or surrounded yourself with. 

The unanswered need...

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Bringing Light to the Program of Being Unloved

One of the most heartbreaking experiences one can feel as a human being is rejection or feeling unloved.

No matter our age, ethnicity, or skin color; the family we grew up with; the religion, culture, or political party we belong to; or any other part we identify with, without exception, we all need to be treated with love, kindness, and compassion. 

But what happens when that is not the case? When in spite of your good intentions and trying to do your best, after sharing your...

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In a World of Finger-Pointing and Self-Victimization, How Can Crystals Help?

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” —Rumi


Come on, share it with me! Be honest with yourself. Let’s face it! How many times have you pointed fingers at others? Self-victimized and blamed others for your problems? How often do you blame your partner; your mother or father, stepmother or stepfather, or whoever raised you; your mother-in-law or father-in-law; a...

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